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CALUC Letter re Starlight Investments – Rezoning for 1205 & 1209 Quadra, 910 View, 903 &#


Updated: Jun 21, 2021

The DRA LUC hosted a CALUC meeting for this application on 3 December 2019. In summary, it is our opinion that the impact of this proposal is far too significant for it to proceed to a public hearing simply on the basis of the general concept presented to the community. Although a concept presentation is welcome, it cannot be considered as fulfilling the required and necessary public presentation under the CALUC process, unless the terms and topics like specific OCP amendments, building heights, densities, housing affordability, etc are clearly defined.

A number of residents’ issues and concerns were not addressed and remain unresolved in the absence of more complete information. The DRA LUC looks forward to reviewing the applicant’s refined plans with specific commitments for each phase and anticipates hosting the applicant at another CALUC meeting when they present the necessary information required by the clearly defined process for public review and comment.

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