Drop by the open house and meet the candidates running in this year’s municipal election. This event is co-sponsored by the Downtown Residents Association, the Downtown Victoria Business Association, and the Greater Victoria Public Library.
When: October 21, 2014 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm (drop in)
Where: Rifflandia Headquarters, 1501 Douglas Street (across from City Hall)
Format: There will be 7 discussion topic zones. All attendees will be given sticky notes to write their thoughts, identify their issues and priorities, and place on the discussion zone panels. A chime will ring every ten minutes to serve as a reminder to circulate.
Zone Topics:
1. LIVABILITY: cost, affordable housing, licensed premises, public washrooms, etc.
2. ECONOMY: red tape, property taxes, vacancies, economic drivers: now and in the future, development incentives
3. SAFETY: perceptions, street issues, sidewalk use, panhandling, crime, etc.
4. CULTURE: festivals & events, public gathering places, downtown library, Car Free Day, etc.
5. BEAUTIFICATION: downtown trees – getting too big?, green spaces – enough?, pocket parks/parklets, etc.
6. TRANSPORTATION: bike paths, bike parking, commercial parking zones, (automobile) parking, etc.
7. OTHER: something else on your mind?!
