Mayor Helps and Council City of Victoria No.1 Centennial Square Victoria, BC V8W 1P6
April 26, 2018
Re: Drake Brewery – Rezoning Amendment to Allow Micro Brew Pub – 506 Herald Street
Dear Mayor Helps and Council,
The DRA LUC has reviewed the drawings for the proposed building and hosted a CALUC meeting on 26 March 2018 for the above-mentioned application. The CALUC meeting notice was mailed to 309 recipients. Twelve people registered their attendance at the door.
Based on the information presented by the applicant the purpose of the Rezoning is to create a Micro Brewpub within the existing ground floor commercial space fronting Herald Street. Interior improvements will be extensive and the addition of a rooftop terrace to the existing building was described. No parking spaces would be provided as part of the application which complies with the existing zoning entitlements.
The hours of operation were stated to be limited to 12 midnight and some food items would be available. The applicant stated that it is intended to be a social center so there would be no TV’s, no happy hour or jugs that might encourage over drinking. The retail sale of alcohol will be restricted to beer that is brewed onsite. Occupancy will be restricted to around 100 persons.
Comments and concerns raised at the Land Use Committee public meeting and by committee members are as follows;
• Rooftop patios can be extremely annoying to the residents surrounding the patio if they are permitted to operate later in the evening. It is suggested that music not be played and the patio close much earlier than the proposed midnight closing • Noises and smells from the brewing can be a concern if not mitigated
The applicants are known responsible operators in the Old Town area and are proposing limited operating hours that are similar to their existing operations and which are sensitive to the residential uses that will soon be established nearby. The DRALUC supports and encourages this type of responsible application to take place in Downtown residential neighbourhoods.
Sincerely, Ian Sutherland, Chair DRALUC