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Letter to Mayor & Council Re: 537 Johnson St (FOD)–Application for a new Liquor Primary Licence

July 7, 2022

Dear Mayor Helps and Council,

The DRA Land Use Committee has reviewed the application for a new Liquor Primary Licence for the purpose of providing dual licencing. From the application, we understand:

  • The proposed hours for the liquor primary licence are 9am to 12am daily, unchanged from the food primary licence

  • A proposed occupant load of 105, unchanged from the food primary licence

  • A patron participation endorsement exists under the current food primary licence, will be retained

The applicant, Friends of Dorothy (or FOD), has been operating since Fall 2020 and considered a vital part of the city’s LGBTQ+ community and we understand there is a perceived growing demand for primary liquor venues of this type.

We have not received any input from the wider public. The only question received from DRA LUC members was that it is not clear if the applicant can switch from food primary to liquor primary license at any time of the day. Only basic information is provided on the public notice for liquor license applications. Site plans or justification letters are not provided to the public for liquor licensing applications making it difficult for the public and the DRA LUC to assess potential impacts.

Sincerely, Jordan Royer

Co-Chair, Land Use Committee, Downtown Residents Association

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