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CALUC Letter re: 1221 Blanshard St -Rezoning & Development Permit applications


This proposal is to build a ten-storey office and retail complex on the site of the Capital Six Theatre. In accordance with the City’s alternate CALUC process during the Provincial PHO, no in-person CALUC meeting took place but the applicant organized and participated in a virtual meeting for this application on 13 July 2021. Additionally, the community was asked to provide feedback on the proposal based on documents provided by the applicant posted to the Development Tracker. A summary of the information provided to the public and the public feedback are appended to this letter.

This application, while carefully considered, still creates unmitigated impacts beyond that of a fully compliant application on the residential neighbours to the east and the Heritage Landmark Cathedral to the west. While the applicant may point to the proposed amendments to DCAP in support of its lack of compliance with the current DCAP floor plate maximums, a key factor in the impacts identified, we can only remind Council that the proposed DCAP amendments have yet to be publically reviewed or ratified by Council.

Click here to download and read the full letter along with a summary of the CALUC meeting.

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